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Christmas Shopping for the Job Seeker

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It’s that time of the year again, with Christmas just around the corner.  Whether you celebrate Christmas, Haunaka, or just like to spread around good cheer, it’s gift giving season.  So what do you get for that hip and trendy job seeker on your list?  Here are a few suggestions…

1. A document bag – Your favorite job seeker will look and feel more professional with a nice leather document bag to hold his or her resumes.  Prices range from $50 to $5000 but even an inexpensive document bag will lend an air of professionalism.


2. Spa treatment or a manicure – help your job seeker look and feel their very best.  When we look good, we feel more confident and that will translate into an interview win.  Home manicure kits range from $10 to $100 and a day at a spa can run a few hundred bucks.


3. A new pair of shoes – Shoes really do make the man or the woman.  Interviewers will notice a professional pair of well kept shoes.  Expect to spend a hundred or more on a pair of quality shoes, or treat your favorite job seeker to a quality shoe shine for a bit less.


Whatever you end up gifting, remember that first impressions count, and job seekers will appreciate the thoughtfulness of a gift that helps them make the best first impression possible.

Christmas Shopping for the Job Seeker by
Authored by: joshua