Monthly Archives: January 2010

10 Powerful Lessons from a Turkish Rug Trader

Several years ago I was staying at a beautiful hotel on the beach on a small Greek island. The hotel was full of young people in their mid-20's who appeared to be having the time of their lives. I had chatted with the receptionist several times during that week when I was at the hotel. The receptionist was my age and very attractive. She had a boyfriend who would sit in the lobby and chat with her at night. I think she was very surprised by the fact that I kept coming home alone each evening. When I would walk through the lobby each night, she would always ask me if I had met any girls that evening and ask me to tell her about my night. She was really nice to me. She had actually given me a beautiful suite in the hotel and was charging me the same price as a normal room. She had another friend who worked in the bar near the receptionist desk who gave me free beers every evening. I was beginning to think Greece was the greatest place in the world.