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Methods of Increasing Your Telephone Sales Skills

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This is a very normal conversation in every household or in every workplace. Normally people get totally irritated at every telemarketing scheme of any company trying to sell its product. But it depends on John or Jane! They should approach these people with a lot of care. You just can’t convince people with your product. You have to put in a lot more.

Work on your telephone call handling skills. You should know the right way to handle a banker or a housewife or a builder or a corporate person. The way to handle them all is totally different. You should never confuse one with the other.

Work on your product knowledge. Never go unprepared for a battle! You might be totally squashed to death by the opponent!!
Know your products well. Be prepared to answer any question that the client asks. You are at the service of the customer and never vice-versa. They can ask as many questions as they like but you should never show any signs of irritation.

Believe that callers DO BUY! Yes it’s true that in most cases you might fine defeat. But do not be disheartened. Believe that a client is a customer. He is always keen on buying your product. You will have to infuse this confidence in your voice. Since the customer is unable to see your face your voice is the only thing that he will trust.

Motivating your clients is also very important. Don’t always start a conversation by getting to the point! Say a polite ”good morning” and start your conversation. Don’t be rude or impolite to your client. That can be the cause of all your failed telemarketing calls. Always tell your clients that how this product is going to benefit them and how this can be a solution to their worries. Have a relaxed conversation with your clients and you will never have to look back!

First impression is the last impression. Remember that! Your voice will make the make impression in their minds and that is the defining moment. It is said that a client makes up his mind in a mere 10 seconds of a call. So make your first impression your last impression and sell your product!!

Methods of Increasing Your Telephone Sales Skills by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes