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How to Tell you are Getting Fired

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The economy in the United States is still struggling through very difficult ups and downs, which means that employees head to work each day with the stress of not knowing what is going to happen with their job. Some worry that a pink slip will be awaiting them each morning while others fear that the company might shutter its doors overnight without notice. That is how shaky the economy has become over the past three years in the United States.

If you go to work each day fearing for your job security then consider the signs laid out in this article about how to know if you are going to get fired. These signs are easy to pick up on if you take time to watch for them each day at work. You do not have to talk to anyone or ask questions about what is going on because these signs are blatantly obvious. The most obvious sign that you are going to be fired is if you suddenly receive a poor performance review from a superior. Even if you believe the poor performance review was unwarranted, this is still a telltale sign of losing your job in the very near future.

You should also be very weary of a mid-year performance review, especially when you have never received one in the middle of the year in previous years with the same company. Some companies perform reviews of their employees in the middle of the year and at the end of each year to make sure their employees stay on their toes and keep working their hardest. A mid-year review, especially when your company rarely performs them, is a major signal that you will be losing your job.

If the attitude of your manager changes towards you then you are in trouble. This means that he or she knows you are going to be let go soon, making it hard for him or her to look you in the eye or talk to you about everyday topics. Another red flag is if the scope of your responsibilities has changed. For instance, if the majority of your job duties have been transferred to another employee in your department while you are still employed by the company.

Common sense tells us that cutbacks across the board at a company are a major sign that you could be losing your job at some point in the future. Even if the cutbacks have not hit your department, it is still possible that you could be one of the layoffs in the near future.

The best way to find out if you are going to lose your job is to keep track of your company’s financial status. If the company’s work orders or sales have decreased, then cutbacks could be on the horizon for the company. You should pay close attention to your company’s quarterly financial reports as they are the biggest indicator of job loss.

How to Tell you are Getting Fired by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes