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Competition for Jobs in Kansas

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The economy has hit an all-time difficult high but Kansas is facing something a little more interesting. State and federal unemployment is running out for most people in the state. Most people are trying to figure something else out and some even move to try and find a better job. Jeff Hubbard is a great example of someone who moved to a bigger city to try and find work. Jeff shares his experience about trying to find work in Kansas, according to the Kansas Reporter.

“I couldn’t find another job there, so less than a year later, I moved to Topeka to try here,” he said. “I got two interviews out of maybe dozens of applications I made (for veterinary technician positions), and no offers,” Hubbard said during a short break Tuesday from his temporary job driving a Salvation Army delivery truck here. “I think the people who have those jobs are going to keep them until they die,” Jeff states.

Kansas seems to be reporting a drop in the unemployment rate but that does not mean everyone is finding a job. People like Jeff are going to keep looking even when there is nowhere to look. Labor experts think that the challenge to find a job may only get tougher and tougher. Competition keeps getting fiercer as people continue to fight for jobs in this area.

Even though extra federal help was put into place for those needing the extra extensions. The unemployment rate in Kansas dropped to 6.5 in November. It then got readjusted to 6.7 percent. Seasonal hiring seems to be the reason as to why the unemployment rate is lower than usual. The economy has put Kansas in a weird position. This is because people who think they will find a job right away cannot due to the struggling economy. “But now we’re seeing that there are more people who have been looking for work being hired than there are discouraged workers who begin looking again for work,” Tenbrink said.

It’s great to see that people are actually getting hired and it’s a start to see that the economy is improving a little. Of course, everyone that goes through losing a job will not find work right away in this economy. Slow and steady wins the unemployment race. November was friendly to Kansas and showed that it hired almost 5,000 workers throughout the month. It has been a steady increase over the past few months. The state is seeing an overall decrease in unemployment, which is exactly what they want to see. Some of the jobs are only temporary but at least it can get everyone through the holidays and shopping period. The struggle is to try and help every unemployed person in Kansas find a job and that’s not as easy as it sounds.

Competition for Jobs in Kansas by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes