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Obama Campaign Advertisement Spending

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The re-election team for the President, Barack Obama, has plans to spend about $25 million on advertisements that will be made throughout the month, which shows that the elections are escalating, as a way of getting the presence they need to grasp the attention of a larger audience, more particularly the voting audience. The Obama Campaign believes it is important to get the word out, especially if they want Obama to be re-elected on November 6th, when the election for President will take place.

With the new campaign, it is generally important that the message sent out is that of a positive one. It will basically display President Obama in a positive light, highlighting the things that he has been able to do for this country since accepting his term four years ago. And, along with highlighting his positives, it will also be responding to some of the negative advertisements that have been made against the President, especially from Mitt Romney, who is Obama’s Republican rivalry.

A new advertisement was recently released by the Obama Campaign, showing that America is, in fact, improving, especially after the war on terrorism and the great recession, which cause the economy to go into ruins. The advertisement shows that Obama has worked hard to make progress for a country that had hit rock bottom and encourages viewers to stick with him, waiting to see what else he can do for the United States for the following four years, if he were to be re-elected. Unlike some of the previous advertisements that have been made, which were often considered attacks against the President’s opponent, Romney, this advertisements relies solely on talking about what the President has done and what he will continue to do if he gets the opportunity to remain President for four more years.

The team for Obama still has plans to respond to any and all criticism, especially from Romney and his supporters, who are known for putting down the President and some of the policies that he has created for the people of America. The team plans to treat every single advertisement and will be comparing the advertisements with all that President Obama has done, letting America decide who it is they think will be the right fit for the position.

The new advertisement, which features a message that is surprisingly pleasant and far from an attack, proves that the Obama Campaign knows and realizes that it is important to spread positive messages in advertisements and not just attack the other candidate in an advertisement. It is important for Obama to show the people of the United States that even though the economy was in turmoil during his four years in office, he has worked hard to make things a whole lot better and will continue to do so.

Obama Campaign Advertisement Spending by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes