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The Twitter Incorporation, known for being a popular social networking platform in which millions of users can “tweet” short messages to one another, recently aired its first ever television advertisements as a way of increasing its advertising potential. The advertisements were displayed on Sunday throughout the broadcast of the Nascar competition, which was displayed on the TNT network. The advertisements came about because Nascar and Twitter are partnered up with one another and Twitter is hoping to establish itself in a serious manner, even though there have been a lot of doubts about its success, especially with competitor social networking platforms.

While there is competition and things will not always be easy, Twitter want to attract some of the top brands and get them in on the service, having them use hash tags, which are commonly used on Twitter tweets. Brands can create a topic with a hash tag and those who use Twitter can talk about that topic, which generally spreads the word on brands throughout the Twitter website. Twitter chose to use its partnership with Nascar as a way of demonstrating how the hash tags can work, airing several different advertisements that were featured during the Nascar game, with the #NASCAR hash tag. On the page that was created, fans of Nascar could easily check out the hash tag page and find tons of content that had been posted by the Nascar drivers themselves, along with their teams and even their family members.

Twitter receives about 140 million active users each month, with 400 million different tweets being posted with each day that passes by. Even with many members and many tweets, it is not exactly clear how much Twitter is earning through all of it. The number of people who use Twitter is surely increasing and because of that, the use of the hash tag has become quite the trend, especially since it was first used back in the summer of 2007. Because the hash tag has become so trendy, there are a number of companies who are using hash tags as part of their marketing strategy. Sometimes the companies receive positive results from doing so but others have not had the exact success they were looking for. For example, McDonalds started a hash tag back in the beginning of the year and instead of working out as they hoped it would, with people talking about how they contribute to McDonalds, tweeters started talking about horror stories that they had experienced in McDonalds, which included stories of tainted food and obesity. After that situation did not work out so well, the social media director for McDonalds, Rick Wion said that the company is learning from each of its experiences. And, it seems Twitter is doing the same.

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Authored by: Harrison Barnes