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George Obama Stays Politically Correct in Film About His Half Brother Barack

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The President Barack Obama’s half-brother, George Obama, makes an appearance in a feature length documentary that shows the President in negative light and could harmfully impact and diminish his reelection chances. George is shown being interviewed and asked provocative questions about his more illustrious brother, in the upcoming movie, “2016: Obama’s America.”

The film is based on Dinesh D’Souza’s best-selling book, The Roots of Obama’s Rage, and is an attempt to unearth Obama’s past, understand what he is doing currently as the President and how his actions will impact the America of tomorrow. It promises to be one of the most significant and politically explosive films in recent times.

In the film D’Souza says that he was intrigued by a news report that Obama’s half brother, George was living in a hut in Nairobi, Kenya and so enamored was he by one brother, arguably the most powerful man on earth and his sibling barely managing to subsist, that he decided to track him down. He said that it was “like something out of Slumdog Millionaire.”

D’Souza says that he contacted the publisher of the book that George had co-authored in 2010 and managed to locate him. He said, he met George Obama at a hotel in Nairobi and together they went to his village in Huruma Flats, spending quite some time together.

In the film, D’Souza can be seen sitting with George on a park bench and trying to goad him into saying something unpleasant about the president but George does not fall for the bait.

He expresses surprise, why the half-brother of the world’s most powerful man, lives in penury and does not get any financial assistance from the President.

George reply is matter-of-fact, down-to-earth unemotional reply, he says, “I think he has a family of his own,” George Obama says. “I’m a member of his family, but I’m over-age, so I help myself.”

D’Souza continues to goad him using the Biblical admonition, one that Obama has been known to cite, from pulpits all across the world, that Americans ought to be “our brother’s keeper.” George however, again refuses to fall for the bait and just shrugs it off.

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” he says. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

At one point, it seems that George is irritated by the persistence and the allusion that the President should be responsible for his welfare. At one point he snaps, “Ask him”

In sheer desperation, failing to lure George into loose talk and into making political incorrect statements he claims that perhaps Kenya was better off under its Colonial masters.

Colonialism is what is at the heart of the film and the book and the author alleges that this is something that Obama has inherited from his and George’s father.

He says in his book, “This philandering, inebriated African socialist, who raged against the world for denying him the realization of his anti-colonial ambitions, is now setting the nation’s agenda through the reincarnation of his dreams in his son.”

His continual pressuring and attempting to put words in George’s mouth, sees the latter somewhat agreeing with him, when he concedes that Kenya has fallen behind since its independence. To further embolden him to make provocative statements at one point in the film, D’Souza half in jest, half to push and prod, he says that perhaps America elected the wrong Obama to be its president.

The Obama’s father, Barack Obama Sr., had four wives with whom he sired seven children, with George being the youngest of them all.

“George is the rebel in Obama’s family. He’s the black sheep,” says D’Souza. “George doesn’t go along with the worship of the father and he is politically incorrect on a lot of topics and he’s particularly interesting because he lives in rubble on a few dollars a day while his powerful, multimillionaire brother doesn’t lift a finger to help him.”

The film due to release this summer is being produced by Gerald Molen, an Oscar-winning producer who collaborated with Spielberg on such blockbusters as, ‘Schindler’s List’ and ‘Jurassic Park.’

The film seeks to negatively impact President Obama’s chances in the Presidential election and asks the question.”If Obama Wins A Second Term, Where Will We Be In 2016?”

D’Souza suggest that the real Obama will come to the fore, if re-elected as he would not have to seek re-election again, this he said, would mean that the President, “won’t be tethered to public opinion, he won’t have to run for re-election again, and he will be truly, in a sense, a free man in the White House to do what he wants.”

George Obama Stays Politically Correct in Film About His Half Brother Barack by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes