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Average Tenure at Jobs Across the Globe

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jobsThe Center for Health and Sciences released the results of a study it conducted on July 28, 2013 that details the average time spent, or tenure at a job for various countries around the world. We will take a look at those statistics in this post today. There were 17 countries that took part in the survey, with the United States being one of them.

The country of Greece topped the list with the highest average for time spent in a job. They hit the list with an average of 13 years spent at a job. The country that falls at the bottom of the list is the United States, with an average of just four years spent on a job. The United States had the lowest total by an average of 4.25 years as well.

The rest of the survey is as follows:

Portugal: 12.5 years

Belgium: 12 years

Italy: 11.5 years

France: 11.5 years

Poland: 11 years

Sweden: 10.5 years

Germany: 10.5 years

Norway: 9.75 years

Czech Republic: 9.5 years

Spain: 9.25 years

Hungary: 9 years

Canada: 9 years

Denmark: 8.75 years

Ireland: 8.5 years

Britain: 8.25 years

Either employees in Greece are very happy with their jobs, which is why they don’t switch often, or it is the fear of the bad economy that keeps them in one place for such a long time. With just four years on average at one job in the United States, this could be attributed to the country’s economic struggles that began in 2009.

Average Tenure at Jobs Across the Globe by
Authored by: Andrew Ostler

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