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Girding Yourself for the Lion’s Den

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When I was in college, the night before any major exam a group of us used to have a bull session-our objective being to “psych out” the questions that the instructor was going to ask. If we knew the questions, we figured we could work out the answers beforehand and so be one step ahead of the game. We didn’t always luck out. But we hit on the central topics covered in the test the next day often enough to make it worth holding that pre-exam session again and again. Obviously psyching out an exam is a lot easier than determining in advance how your first interview with a company will develop, since you’ve never met the “instructor” or seen the “classroom.” Even so, advance preparation for job interviews has paid off handsomely for thousands of job-seekers and could pay off for you. Read More

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Girding Yourself for the Lion's Den by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes