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August’s Top 100 LinkedIn Bloggers

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LinkedIn blog

Summary: Paul Drury lists this month’s top 100 LinkedIn bloggers so we will tell you a little about a few of them.

Dustin McKissen – Dustin is an executive, blogger, consultant, and member of LinkedIn’s Publishers and Bloggers Group. He writes about life, most recently about his move from Arizona to Missouri. He gives advice that is relevant to anyone that has moved, is moving, or may move at some point in their life.

Prakashan B.V. – He is a business development professional in Bangalore that is interested in promoting sustainable products and services. He writes about his experiences working with companies that strive for more green concepts when building.

Brian de Haaf – Brian runs the blog Aha!, a product roadmap software. He writes about businesses matters such as the relationships between employees and their employers, traits that managers should have, and what kind of culture a company should have.

JC Cruz – He blogs about business and what one must do to be successful. His latest blog talks about his first job and the valuable lesson he learned from the owner of the company. He acknowledges how important leadership is and what they teach employees.

Robert Shimonski – Robert is a speaker, new media expert, and author. He has worked for several companies including Microsoft, McGraw Hill Education, and Entrepreneur Magazine. He is actively involved in the business community and puts together material to benefit those in the multimedia industry.

Aaron Harris – Aaron examines communities and how they are affected. In a recent blog, he discusses the infrastructure of communities and how new startups and companies affect how it grows and develops.

Brett Fox – As a CEO, entrepreneur, author, mentor, and business builder, Brett blogs about his experiences building and leading successful teams, developing breakthrough ideas, successfully marketing new and existing product lines, and creating innovative products.

Heather R. Younger – Heather blogs on LinkedIn through her passion and energy as a leader with expertise in building productive teams and supporting internal customers by understanding and using their unique gifts.

Harrison Barnes – Runs The Employment Research Institute, which leads over 150 jobs websites. He consistently gives advice and tips to help anyone be prepared for a job, find a job, and do their best at the job.


August’s Top 100 LinkedIn Bloggers by
Authored by: Amanda Griffin