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Perks to Ask for Instead of a Raise

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vacation days

Summary: There are times when asking for a raise is not feasible, but asking for additional benefits may be more realistic.

Asking for a monetary raise may be out of our comfort zone, or it may just not be the right time for a company that is struggling. However, asking for perks is something that many companies can handle. When the time comes that you approach your boss for a raise and they say “no,” approach the conversation with a twist by asking for these perks.

Vacation Time

If budget problems are the reason for not getting the traditional raise, then ask for a few additional days of personal time. Your boss may be likely to grant this request since it doesn’t require extra pay out of the budget.

Monthly Feedback

While getting a raise this year was a miss, you can be extra prepared for next year by having a monthly review where you address your shortfalls and accomplishments. Knowing areas that you can improve on will help you capitalize on success throughout the year.

Education Perks

Ask for educational benefits so that you can continue your education and become a stronger asset to the company.

Lifestyle Perks

Boosting your lifestyle expenses can be another good route. Convince your manager that offering a group discount for places like the gym would be a good idea. You can also suggest discounted cell phones or monthly plans, or discounts on electronics like tablets and laptops.

Added Health Benefits

Perhaps you do not receive health benefits from your employer, but you may be able to get signed up for another benefit program your employer offers like disability, life insurance, chiropractic services, prenatal care, etc.

Performance Bonus

If you happen to work at a place that stresses performance, then ask for quarterly or yearly-based bonuses based on that performance.

Work from Home Days

If you have a job that can be done at home, ask for a few days where you can complete this work outside the office. Stress how you can get more done on big projects if you have fewer interruptions. You can save time on commuting that can be invested into working.

Mental Health Perks

Work performance is affected by more than just a paycheck. Being able to have mental health check-ups covered can be a great bonus because, let’s face it, everyone could use a therapist to talk to every now and then.


Perks to Ask for Instead of a Raise by
Authored by: Amanda Griffin