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Feel More Powerful in 15 Minutes

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Summary: All it takes is 15 minutes to get the ball rolling towards a more powerful future where you can take on the biggest challenges at work.

Power comes from inner strength. You social status, gender, ethnicity, age, or skill set don’t matter because every person has the capability to be authentic, courageous and strong. In the past “powerful” was thought of as controlling others but today “powerful” has a new meaning, one of a more personal inner warrior mentality. Here are 15 ways to help you build up that warrior inside of you, and each should only take 15 minutes or less. Try focusing on a few each day.

  1. Wake up earlier – This also means go to bed earlier. Waking up earlier lets you have control over your morning instead of rushing to get ready.
  2. Meditate – Take time to focus on your feelings in the moment to allow you the ability to feel humble and self-aware.
  3. Write things down – New insights can be gained everyday so writing things down will help you come back later and see the valuable things you have learned.
  4. Get organized – De-clutter your life so that you can take back control.
  5. Plan for the morning commute to be a good thing – Have your favorite music or podcast going to make the commute enjoyable.
  6. Think of one of your fears and conquer it – We all fears and being able to conquer one will be a big step toward empowerment.
  7. Sing – Let go of your inhibitions and belt it out. Try karaoke or open-mic night.
  8. Send “thank you” emails or texts – Show your gratitude to others is a nice thing to do and will help you maintain healthy relationships.
  9. Write a letter – Taking time to hand write something to a loved one says a lot about how much you care about them.
  10. Say what you are feeling at the moment – It doesn’t take long to say what you mean.
  11. Wear power colors – For women, wearing red lipstick can give you the sense of power. Guys can stick with a red tie to get the essence of power.
  12. Improve your posture – Nothing shows you possess power than good posture and a “power pose.”
  13. Listen to a TED talk – You can choose to listen to a talk about something you are experienced with or something completely new to gain new knowledge. Engaging in an intellectual activity will help you feel more important.
  14. Learn a new skill – Gaining a new skill will help you feel more confident in your abilities and value as a professional.
  15. Exercise – Exercise results in a healthier mental and physical state. When you feel healthy, you act confident and with authority.

Read these related articles to learn more about gaining more authority at work.

How to Create a Powerful Career

7 Steps to Be More Powerful

7 Phrases That Say You Are an Unsure Leader


Feel More Powerful in 15 Minutes by
Authored by: Amanda Griffin