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What is low morale?

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Many a times this problem of low morale is the result of having demanding and overpowering superiors actually. There are many superiors who are not good leaders and they are unable to bring out the best in any employee. Instead of motivating them and providing them courage for any kind of work they actually land up threatening them and scaring them with the needs of deadlines. As a result the employees feel extremely dejected and start believing at some point of their lives that they are really good for nothing. But this is not the case always.

At times there can be family problems that can pull down the performance of a person and the feeling of staying behind peers really makes one feel miserable like anything. Maybe at times there is simply no point blaming others. The problem can solely lie within the individual who is complaining about low morale. They are the kinds of people who realize that they are not happy with anything that they do in their lives; there is simply no work that gets them going. Probably it is not possible on their own to identify their areas of weakness all by themselves. This is the reason why they would require the support of a therapist who can guide them during such periods in their lives.

Maybe at times the solution lies in changing the whole group of association. The person may really require changing his friend group so that he or she gets to mix with like minded people and join clubs where there would be scopes of activities that give them the life energy to continue in their work place and personal life.

Leaders of any kind of organization must realize that exercising of pressure over their subordinates would lead them no where. At such point they are supposed to be soft with their people and if required change their way of dealing with people actually. This is no compromising on their part; they should realize that low morale can lead their subordinates to leave their work and organization. So such organization should value their employees and prevent them suffering from low morale.

Apart from this you must always remember to do things that keep you happy and joyful. This could really avoid the problem of low morale.

What is low morale? by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes