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The Importance of Body Language during a Job Interview

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Whether it is the way that we enter a room, the way we shake hands, the level of eye contact, our posture or our tone of voice, these, often unconscious, signals say a lot about us. Are we just stuck with these behaviors, however, or is there anything we can do to improve our non-verbal communication?

The answer is yes, we can do something to improve it, but the key to this is being aware of it in the first place. Now, while you could try checking out your own body language in front of a mirror, you are likely to become a little distracted by watching over your shoulder for the men in white coats, or worse still, the kids!
A better method is to enlist the help of a friend – a friend with a video camera. Role-play a job interview and then ask your friend for feedback. When you watch the recording back, look for clues as to your subconscious behavior, paying particular attention to:

Eye contact – Did you look your interviewer directly in the eyes when you met and shook hands? Was it just a look, or were you trying to stare him out? When you were asked a question that made you feel uncomfortable, did you look away when you replied?

Movement – When you came into the room, did you march up to the interviewer in a way which might be interpreted as aggressive or threatening, or were you cautious and reticent? Did you tap your feet or drum your fingers on the arm of the chair?

Voice – How quickly did you speak? Did it sound as though your tongue was running away with you?
Did you sound like you were shouting, or were you mumbling to yourself? Was there any point where your tone of voice sounded defensive, aggressive or sarcastic even?

Gestures – Did you use your hands reasonably to express yourself, or were your arms flailing about like a demented windmill?

Posture – Did you sit upright in your chair, or were you slumped like a sack of potatoes? Were you facing the interviewer or turned away from him?

Touch – How was your handshake? Was it all loose and sloppy? Was your grasp so tight that it made the interviewer wince? Or was it firm and confident?

The messages we send out through our body language can be powerful. They can demonstrate whether we are insecure or self-confident. They can give an indication as to whether we are lying or telling the truth. They can show whether we are stressed, amused, confused, interested or sincere.

While positive body language will not help to get you a job that you are not qualified for, it will strengthen your case in a situation where you are qualified. Not only this, but in all walks of life it will help you to feel self-confident and in control, so be aware and practice. Walk tall and you will feel tall!

The Importance of Body Language during a Job Interview by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes