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How to successfully hit your goals

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In case you are still not satisfied, and firmly believe that there are people around you who are born with a golden spoon in their mouth and get everything very easily decorated in a platter, then I can assure you somewhere down the career path they will have to face the hardships and pay badly for the shortcuts they had opted out. At that challenging point of time there burden will be much heavier than what you have carried.

But then just hard work is not enough. Working without a plan will lead you no where. In every step you have to support yourself. It might sound a bit odd but you happen to be the biggest moral pillar for yourself. You are no different from any extraordinary man. The difference only lies in the belief system.

Do not choose to cocoon yourself from the massive potential that is roaring inside you. Awaken the giant within you and see how everything will fall into place. Your goals and ambitions which till now seemed quite a few light years ahead of you will be something which you can touch.

In order to achieve your goals you first need to be very honest with yourself. Ask yourself repeatedly the same question as to why do you want a particular dream, turned into reality? For example, if it is a specific career objective or just a career that you want to pursue. Ask yourself repeatedly, why only this? Why not something else?

Try and delve deep into your mind and find out whether the answers are any one of the followings; ”because my parents want it”, ”because my friends are pursuing it”,” because I need to show my relatives for once that I am terribly good at this”. If these are the answers that you receive after careful monitoring of your thought process, then the advice is that, you should immediately abandon this goal. You don’t want to achieve this goal for yourself.

The driving forces working behind your hard work are not strong enough to make you hit your goals. Most importantly this is not your goal. These are some of the whims and fantasies which you mistook to be your goal. Your goal is far more lofty, your goal is something driven by your passion.

Now when you have realized that these superficial motives are mere fancies, you should give yourself some time to discover your passion. Yes it may be a little lengthy process but, don’t lose heart because this time consuming process will ensure you achieve your goals successfully without any waste of time in future. So be vibrant now and give yourself some time to set a proper goal and then motivate yourself at every step to achieve it.

How to successfully hit your goals by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes