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How to Avoid Conflicts at Work

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• Try and stay very honest and open all the time. Make sure that all of the answer that you give is transparent. This way no one will suspect anything or will think that you are hiding anything and this way there will be no confrontations or work problems.

• If you see that you are facing any sort of issues make sure that you address them instead of keeping it to yourself. If you manage to address it in front of everyone openly then you will be able to solve it faster. If you deal with the issues instead of putting it away for later on any sort of misunderstanding will be avoided. If you don’t you might have conflicts which are going to be very bad in the end.

• If you see that any of your colleagues is upset and that they feel like venting make sure that you are there for them. You need to listen and you need to be a friend to them. Once you hear what they are concerned about you can try and provide opinions.

• If you see that there is a misunderstanding then you should ask questions about it. You will be able to find a solution if you ask a lot of questions and hence you will also be able to get your required information and you wont have to jump to any sort of conclusions.

• When you see that your temper is rising make sure that you talk slowly and that you take deep breaths. If you have a calm tone and if you speak slowly then you will see that people are starting to calm down. Also you have to make sure that you move on after the argument. After all, ”forgive and forget”, if you don’t let it go it will bring up stress at work.

• Try to be friendly with everyone. Everyone’s heard the saying ”put your friends close but your enemies closer”, put this to work here. Wish everyone a good morning when you enter or even say a hello to them. If you see that someone I doing well, compliment them, this way you can avoid work conflict.

How to Avoid Conflicts at Work by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes