Yearly Archives: 2010

Advertiser – How to Sell Any Product through Advertising

They say that the biggest challenge of an advertiser is to sell a comb to a bald person! Impossible though it may seem, the practicality of the joke has often been tried and various rumors do the rounds one of which serves as an inspiration to the new generation advertisers! The rumor is that with proper advertising techniques, they were actually able to sell the comb to none other than the bald person itself! How they did it – we leave that to you to find out!

Jobs in Advertising – 7 Steps to Creating an Impressive Advertisement

1. Concentrate on the basics: As some would say, K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple Stupid! Advertising is all about impressing people and what a better way to impress your target audience by flattering them, though flattering advertisements are not always the best way to attract the right attention. An advertisement should be something that catches the imagination of the people, such that it completely resides in their sub-conscious mind. Advertisements therefore have to simple, yet catchy.

Advertising Jobs – How Not to Succeed in Advertising

Advertising has become the single most important factor for a business to survive the competition in the market. The main competition is coming from the developing countries which have their own companies that are targeting local. Free trade and economy may have increased opportunities for corporate but have also given birth to ever increasing competition. It is because of this competition that companies are seeking new talent and sincere people as there is very less time for imparting full-time training.

Legal Internships – Top 10 Mistakes Made by Legal Interns

There is no dearth of people trying their hardest to get into law colleges and the bigger ones at that in a desperate attempt to fast track their careers in law. It is true that getting in at a bigger law college will obviously be more beneficial in the long run, not only for the name that the college possesses but also for the fact that a bigger college will attract the bigger names when it comes to placement.

HR Jobs: Colorado Opportunities

If you are looking for HR jobs in Colorado, then you have come to the right place. The recession has already begun to fade away. The lucrative field of HR is once again beginning to show signs of promise. Colorado is one of the most favorable places for HR work. But before telling you which place are the best for HR work in this state, you should know a bit about the state.

Marketing Jobs in Arizona – Tips on Finding Marketing Jobs in Your Area

Every company launches itself to promote its business and start new ventures that would be highly profitable for the company. However, the companies can only gather profits if it has lots of publicity to make sure that people are aware of the company to get more sales figures. Marketing the company to the public is very important and it is one of the most important sectors of every corporate field and business venture.