Yearly Archives: 2010

Job Search – How and Where to Seek a Job Effectively

With unemployment rates rising and the recession market affecting jobs it has become difficult to procure a job that provides security and stability (financial). Quoting from the Hindu scriptures – ‘Nothing is stable, everything keeps on changing’; the same can be said about the job scenario today. This has resulted in a confused crowd where people do not know what to do with their degrees and experience in hand. Better still; the confusion is regarding – where to apply! Not that there is a dearth of newer avenues, but everything seems to be saturated and hugely competitive. Hence, a mix of attitude and expertise, coupled with a mindset of working smart is required that will help you find a job that suits you.

Advertising Jobs – How Not to Succeed in Advertising

Advertising has become the single most important factor for a business to survive the competition in the market. The main competition is coming from the developing countries which have their own companies that are targeting local. Free trade and economy may have increased opportunities for corporate but have also given birth to ever increasing competition. It is because of this competition that companies are seeking new talent and sincere people as there is very less time for imparting full-time training.

Construction Union Las Vegas – Top 10 Benefits of Joining a Construction Union

If there was ever a success story regarding converting cities to paradise, Las Vegas would fit the bill perfectly. From a desert land to establishment of the city in 1905 to becoming one of the world’s top tourist draws, Las Vegas is an inspiration in itself. Rapid construction and free trade made Lass Vegas what it is today.

Job Search Tips – How to Prepare Your Resume for an Employer

Any recruitment is the result of an employer having a bias over a candidate. Earlier this was not the phenomena when jobs were surplus. Candidates were solely judged on their merit and experience. However, with changing times, employers keep on looking at newer ways to eliminate candidates. The recruitment process has become more elimination than selection. One of the major areas that affect our immediate job prospects is the presence of a good resume.

Law Jobs – 7 Steps to Working in Law

Not everybody can work with a law firm and a fewer can work in law individually. The main problem with most of the quitters is lack of job understanding and time management. Quite understandably, the job can act as a major deterrent if you can’t manage the huge workload in pre-set time duration. These 7 steps will ensure that you face no problem when working in law:

Employment: Human Resources Jobs

Are you interested in employment in human resources? The present day competition of businesses is focused on getting more out of their employees than before. This is mainly due to the rivalry of different companies that has increased because of globalization. Companies are more than ever interested in the quality of their employees than before.

Jobs: HR Opportunities

Jobs in HR have become one of the most high profile jobs in the United States. Career analysts have seen that jobs in this field will increase by about 20% by 2016. In fact, the median annual income for jobs in this field has been seen to be above the national average! It is because of these and more such reasons why a lot of people want to get into the HR field. Before however you join this field, here are a few things you should know.

Direct Sales Career – 7 Steps to Working in Direct Sales

Have you ever thought about a career in sales? There are different kinds of things that you need to do in this field. A career in sales has become quite popular these days. Lots of people are trying their best to enter into this field. This field not only provides a lot of opportunities but the salaries are also quite high. This is the reason why people are showing so much interest in this field.