Yearly Archives: 2010

Top Ten Sales Jobs in Missouri

Marked by the Missouri river the state of Missouri is rich in sales jobs. Sales jobs in Missouri show how well the Missouri sales employment industry is. It is equipped to employ the male to female ratio that is tilted towards women who are 38.9% while the men constitute 35.5% of the population above 18 years.

Georgia Construction Jobs

Georgia is a state known for its size. It occupies the largest portion of land in the eastern part of river Mississippi. It is made even more beautiful not only by the Blue Ridge Mountains but also by the large amount of projects that are successfully undertaken under Georgia constructions.

Public Relations Job Opportunities

A public relations job has become a very coveted position in the present times. Did it ever occur to you why some brands or products are more trusted by people than the others? Why does one Hollywood celebrity appear over and over again in press while others do not? There is one thing which is common to both these cases. Both these brands and celebrities have good public relations.

Executive Recruiters – Headhunters

The term head hunter is used to refer to executive recruiters who specialize in recruiting job seekers to fill executive positions in their organizations or client companies. Executive search (informally headhunting) maybe carried out by the board of directors or executives of an organization, or a third party recruiting agency. Headhunters are generally considered more aggressive than in-house recruiters as they have industry experience and reliable contacts and sources.

Public Relations Manager Jobs

Public relations manager jobs take care of the top most needs of the company. A company is a big organization with various activities. Public relations manager work is usually involved in the highest echelons of the company. While production, purchase and sales are the ground level functionaries of a company, PR manager jobs are on the highest level of company strategy.

Administrative Recruitment

Recruitment in any organization is an important part of its human resource planning. Right person at the right positions in the organization are a vital resource, and can prove to be a core competency as well as a strategic advantage in the long run Administrative Recruitment is a process comprising of attracting, job analysis, sourcing, screening, and selecting qualified individuals for the required job at an organization.

How to Avoid Conflicts at Work

It might be tough to find a job which you like and which is tailor made for you. But then keeping the job is next to impossible. You will find that people always have fights at work and there are always conflicts and often employees get fired because of this or the employers get a bad impression of the employees because of this. So here we tell you about the different ways by which you will be able to avoid any sort of conflict in the workplace or any sort of confrontations.