Yearly Archives: 2010

Marketing Careers: Chicago Opportunities

There is a lot of scope for marketing careers in Chicago. Chicago has become the third most populated city in the United States. Its population has risen to almost three million. Naturally with this increase in population, demand for jobs and products have also arisen. This has led to the development of newer companies which besides making new products have also given rise to a lot of jobs.

Tips on Gift Giving Etiquette for Your Boss

People love to receive gift and some love to give them too. But then picking out a right gift is very hard. On top of that if you want to pick out the perfect gift for your boss it is very hard. There is a gift giving etiquette in general. But then people usually don't follow this. But if you want to impress your boss this needs to be followed and for those of you who don't know, here are a few simple tips.

Top Ten Sales Jobs in Delaware

Delaware maybe second among the smaller states in the US but when it comes to the sales jobs in Delaware they are in plenty. If you are in search for any kind of sales work in Delaware you know that you are on the right track. With a female heavy population of 51.4% females and just 48.6% males, Delaware boasts of a strong and able work force as many of its people range between the working age group of 25 to 44 years.

Human Resources Jobs In Phoenix

In today's world of such tuff competition, most companies have started paying attention to the quality of their employees and their productive capacity in order to get the best output. They have started considering capable and talented humans as resources and have indulged in improving and upgrading this resource in a big way. This has given rise to the human resources industry and the hr jobs have become very popular today.

Advertising Sales Jobs- A New Era of Business

With employment opportunities hard to come by, one sector one could turn to is advertising sales jobs. Previously some of the best ways to get into advertising was through college but with the advent of the internet age, this sector has undergone a redefinition. One can learn online, through different online courses, by just looking at various media and information posted by marketers on different networking sites, forums, blogs etc.

Ways to Give Two Weeks Notice at Work

One of the most liberating experiences of your life is when you quit your job. You need to keep in mind that you might hate your job and it might seem very bad to you but then when you quit it, you need to be very graceful. After you have worked there for sometimes and you need to act like you're thankful for it. You have to be very civil when you leave your job. You can't leave a job with a bad impression, and then you won’t get a good recommendation.

Executive Recruiters – Headhunters

The term head hunter is used to refer to executive recruiters who specialize in recruiting job seekers to fill executive positions in their organizations or client companies. Executive search (informally headhunting) maybe carried out by the board of directors or executives of an organization, or a third party recruiting agency. Headhunters are generally considered more aggressive than in-house recruiters as they have industry experience and reliable contacts and sources.

Human Resources Job In Georgia

The term resources mean anything that is useful for the society and helps in its advancement. Minerals, oil, natural vegetation are all considered as resources. Similarly, human beings, without whom none of the progress would have been possible, are also considered as resources. In the recent years the developed and the developing countries are making a marked improvement in the field of human resource development.