Yearly Archives: 2010

Fashion Marketing Jobs

The industry in fashion has good scope and a wide variety of jobs to offer to people. A reputable school of fashion designing can be of good help to people who are thinking about embarking a career in the field of fashion.

Looking For Mutual Fund Accounting Work

Before going into the roles and responsibilities associated with mutual fund accounting, the definition of mutual fund needs elaboration. Mutual funds undertake investments from various investors to invest in stocks, bonds, market and security commodities A fund accountant is a professional who looks and makes reports of the funds under the financial institution where he works. It is essentially a financing and accounting activity.

Good Careers for Shy People

If you are a little too shy to go out there and make quick conversations with people, then you don’t need to worry about not finding a job that satisfies you without challenging your introvert nature! You must cheer up and keep hope because there are innumerable careers for shy people! There are jobs for shy people that do not require you to talk or interact with people beyond a level and allow you to work and perform in your own space!

Accounting Project Manager

An accounting project manager is one who undertakes the management of the final financial reports and auditing of accounts in a planned, disciplined and organized way. Optimal efficiency of managing resources is an averred quality of the manager.

Senior Accounting Analyst Employment

A senior accounting analyst holds a prestigious post owing to the huge amount of responsibility and precision with which he ought to deliver his work. He has to have strong business vision and accuracy along with the willingness to work day in day out. The accuracy comes only with time and case experiences. Technical skills are imminent features of senior accounting analysts. Right blends of technical, mathematical, managerial skills accounts for this position.

Best jobs in marketing

Any company would always be interested to create eagerness, an urge among its target customers for their product. They would like to develop an interest among their customers for their product so that they can have a good sale and hence they are in a position to profit.

Doing Accounting For Work In New York City

New York City is the hub of international business and boasts major finance companies of the world. The uniqueness lies in the number of foreign corporations that is situated in the city itself. For this reason it is also one of the most populous areas of the world. Not only is it a mainstream foreign investment area for major finance and real estate corporations, but also a tourist attraction of skyscrapers, statue of liberty, so on and so forth.