Yearly Archives: 2010

5 Tips To Make Your Home-Based Business Not Appear “Homemade”

One of the toughest obstacles we face when working from home is making it appear that we're not, in fact, working from home. When clients call and there are kids screaming in the background, pets barking and meowing and timers going off for laundry and cooking, it doesn't appear professional. So, how can we appear more professional? Tip # 1: Have a clean, professional website with your own domain name. Do not, under any circumstances, have a "free" website hosted on anoth...

5 questions to consider, before starting your home based business

For many people, having a home business would be something really attractive. To be your own boss, to not having to commute, to choose the working hours freely and to be able to plan the work-day entirely on your own. If you are considering starting your own home based business, then you could start with thinking it through, by asking yourself some initial questions, such as...

5 Steps To Creating A 6-Figure While You Work At Home

Creating a steady income from home can be a daunting process. Being successful from home can often take more work than your regular 9 to 5. But, if you learn to break things down and follow a simple forumla, your home business can give you all the income and time freedom that you are seeking in a work from home business. My successful business formula involves 5 steps. I follow these same five steps with every person I come into contact with. Having a system not only makes...