Yearly Archives: 2010

The Best Help Desks On The Internet

If you are having a technical issue with your computer, and you need assistance, your best bet is to call your manufacturers technical support line. In most cases, technical support is part of the package when you first purchased your computer. If, for some reason, you are unable to use your computer manufacturers help desk services, here are a few free help desk sites on the Internet. Tech Support Guy claims to be the #1 tech support site on the web and can be found at...

The Big Bang Publicity Campaign

Famous is as famous does and the famous get known through publicity. Yes, that's right, fame doesn't discover you, you create it through strategic campaigning. What's more, the techniques for increasing your exposure are not as difficult to attain as you might think. A great publicity campaign starts with courage, then planning, and lastly, it succeeds through persistence. If you're not sure why you should seek fame, consider fortune because the two go hand in hand. Fame w...