Yearly Archives: 2010

The Marketing Concept of Pixel Ads

After the success of the Million Dollar Homepage, people have been puzzled by the amazing effect of pixel advertising. The idea, which most people regarded as crazy, has a great marketing concept leading to its success. Thomas King will have a detail analysis of the strategies forming this concept including the downside. There will also be an introduction about a newly proposed idea after the pixel ads.

The Art Of Free Event Advertising?

Jo knew that events could be advertised in the Trade Magazines linked to her company's line of business but, as a newcomer to event organization, with a non-existent advertising budget and with no marketing expert at her elbow; where should she begin? Some of the best advertising you can get is editorial written about your event or your company. Print media like trade journals, magazines and newspapers are often looking to fill their pages and you may have noticed that art...

Keys To Starting Your Own Clothing Company

Ever wanted to start your own clothing company? Its not as difficult as you think. What do you absolutely need? 1. A decent logo 2. Creative concepts and graphics - Design Talent 3. A unique, blank apparel supplier 4. A decent screen printer 5. A Line Sheet to show potential buyers 6. Sales and promotional talent. Which do you think is most important? Its obviously design talent you say? Are you Joking? You must be joking. Have you stepped out of the house r...