Yearly Archives: 2010

Virtual Assistant Job Opportunities: 7 Ways To Locate Clients And Job Opportunities

Virtual Assistant job opportunities are out there, you just have to know how and where to find them. Here are some ideas to get you started: 1. Your Current and Former Employers The first place to start is your current and former employers. If you are currently working or have worked for someone, let them know about your company and what you are doing. A plus to "advertising" with them is that they already know you, your qualities, your personality, and the quality of w...

Relationship Management: Knowing and Communicating with Your Key Publics

Many organizations actively engage in 'Issues Management.' For most, this involves scanning the news, developing communications strategies around relevant issues and trends, and then communicating their messages back through the media. However, effective communications is more than just managing issues through the media. Companies and organizations must also be aware of their external publics.

Is It Really Worth The Money?

When it comes to services I sometimes wonder if the asking price is really worth it. I can usually find the service that I am looking for online. Then I have to look around to find witch one is going to give me the most for the money. Well I have found that if I go with the low ball guy, he is reeling me in for a huge sales pitch to asks me to spend more than I would with the high roller guy. Maybe that’s where I should have started my search. Then again I wrote an articl...