Yearly Archives: 2010

Who’s the First Person to Greet Your Customer?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy.” I spent an interesting hour at the dentist’s office yesterday and the time actually flew. I found it fascinating and almost entertaining watching the young woman at the front desk. I guess I’m accustomed to being greeted by a receptionist with a smile and an attitude that conveys ‘thanks for coming to see us, not them’.

Virtual Careers / Self-Employment – Self-Assess Or Self-Destruct

Unfortunately, high hopes and large amounts of time, energy and commitment -- valuable though they may be -- do not ensure the success of an entrepreneurial venture. In fact, research indicates that about 60 percent of all businesses fail within the first two years. Much depends on the individual's "entrepreneurial profile," and one of the best ways to discover this is by doing a self-assessment. Over the years, working with some 4,000 Virtual Assistants and Virtual Profes...

The Golden Rules Of Customer Service

Everything I know about customer service I learned from working at McDonalds as a teenager. Hard to believe, but true! In this day of highly competitive cyber business, the companies that will succeed will be those that offer superior customer service. The value of a lifetime customer is immeasurable. So once you get a customer, how do you keep him? The answer is killer customer service! Here are some of the secrets that have made McDonalds the success it is today! Servi...

How Hazardous Waste is Treated, Stored & Disposed Off

Hazardous waste must be treated properly before it can be disposed off. Or it can be potentially dangerous and fatal to human life and damaging for the environment. Companies offering environmental hazardous waste services are thus being sought after by industries to manage their hazardous waste and ensure proper disposal. Find out how hazardous waste is treated, stored and disposed in order to make it less harmful for the environment.

How to Find a Niche Market for Work at Home Moms

Being a Mom is one of the most rewarding and wonderful years of a woman's life, so it can be hard for a mom when faced with the thought of having to go out and find a job, to bring in extra money. There are options out there for Moms who want to work from home in their own hours, so they can still enjoy the most important things in life- their children. Here is some solid informational tips for stay at home moms on starting their home based business in 30 minutes a day.