Yearly Archives: 2010

First Class All The Way

Of course she is elegant and has an innate sense of style. Heads turn when she enters a room. Other women unconsciously imitate her, but can never quite match her style and grace. Of course, she is all classy lady, but she is also good at what she does. She likes to be able to change her look according to her moods, and each facet of her personality makes a man want to know more about this woman.

How About Some Customer Service. Please!!

Communication is one of the most important industries in the world. People have a need to talk, to get in touch with their friends and family, no matter where they are in the world. We started with letters sent with any individual traveling in that direction, which progressed to the postal system. With the advent of the Internet, we exchanged snail mail for email and later instant messengers Somehow though, it just wasn’t enough. We needed to hear their voices not just rea...

Why Corporate Identity is a Very Powerful Communication Branding Tools

The world of business is a very competitive one with each executive competing with the other to get the best of sales, profits and customers for their business. This means that all businesses interested in becoming successful have to concentrate in developing their corporate image and identity to improve in their business. Corporate identity is actually the image or identity by which the business wants to be perceived by their customers or the physical manifestation of the brand.

How Refunds Can Increase Your Sales?

If you have a no refund policy, many customers will either not make a purchase or buy less merchandise. These customers are reluctant to spend their money, in case the product isn’t right. Yes, they could exchange it for other merchandise. However, if you don’t have what they want currently, you have their money and they have nothing.