Yearly Archives: 2010

Keys To Starting Your Own Clothing Company

Ever wanted to start your own clothing company? Its not as difficult as you think. What do you absolutely need? 1. A decent logo 2. Creative concepts and graphics - Design Talent 3. A unique, blank apparel supplier 4. A decent screen printer 5. A Line Sheet to show potential buyers 6. Sales and promotional talent. Which do you think is most important? Its obviously design talent you say? Are you Joking? You must be joking. Have you stepped out of the house r...

Is Your Teen An Entrepreneur?

Are you hoping you've got your own Bill Gates in the making in your home? As a parent you can probably tell pretty easily whether or not the entrepreneurial spirit is evident in your child. Some kids make it very obvious that the regular nine-to-five will not be a part of their future. For others, you might need to investigate a bit further to see. Ask these simple questions about your teen to see if your teen has the entrepreneurial spirit. If your answer is "yes" to one ...