Yearly Archives: 2010

Unique Consulting Services

Need advice? Need help in conquering a particular challenge? Hire a consultant! Professional consulting has become one of the fastest-growing segments of our society. What do consultants do? They provide information and advice in exchange for a fee. They can be found under a variety of names: accountant, psychologist, architect, designer,attorney, consulting engineer. Almost everyone within a society uses their services in one way or another. What each of these consult...

Using Online Job Sites in Your Career Search

Whether you are a graduate just beginning your career hunt, or a seasoned professional changing employers, using the Internet is the ultimate way to start your job hunt. Using online job sites offers certain advantages such as easy search, and access to thousands of jobs. However, knowing how to use the job boards to your advantage will save you time and tons of unwanted email!

Relationship Management: Knowing and Communicating with Your Key Publics

Many organizations actively engage in 'Issues Management.' For most, this involves scanning the news, developing communications strategies around relevant issues and trends, and then communicating their messages back through the media. However, effective communications is more than just managing issues through the media. Companies and organizations must also be aware of their external publics.

Using Job Fairs To Decide On A Career Path

Making up your mind as to what you want to do in life is so difficult. Especially today, given the myriad options, with each profession looking better than the other. And you're not too sure what exactly it is you want to pursue. Enter the wonderful world of job fairs. Walk in and you'll see a vista of opportunities light up before your eyes, options even within professions. You can talk to people from various companies, find recruiters who will tell you what they are looking...