Yearly Archives: 2010

Who Can Claim Tax Deductions on Job Search Expenses

Being out of a job does not reduce your burden of filing taxes. However, you might be missing out on some deductions which you can validly claim on tax returns, regardless of being employed or unemployed. These easily overlooked heads constitute expenses incurred on searching for a job. In fact, most people I asked seemed to be unaware of the fact, so much so, that to help awareness, the IRS has included the required knowledge this year in IRS Summertime Tax Tip 2010-04.

Being Jobless Doesn’t Indicate a Loser, So Don’t Act Like One

We often lose good working habits and self-discipline when out of work for extended periods of time. The situation has become only too common under the recession and there is little past literature or research to provide guidance to those who go jobless for unexpectedly long times. While time is the best healer for most human situations, in the case of joblessness, time causes the greatest injury.