Yearly Archives: 2010

A Low Cost Merchant Account

If you are new to the business world, you may believe that a low cost merchant account is beyond reach. You might reason that every dollar of profit you make should be funneled right back into the business’ products or services rather than into an account that facilitates electronic payment processing. But a merchant account may be the very asset your business needs in order to achieve the growth you want to see. By providing your customers with alternative payment options to...

A Review Of Opening Statements

Discover some of the key elements involved in creating telephone opening statements that create interest and avoid resistance by reading these reviews of actual opening statements as submitted to internationally-known speaker and trainer Art Sobczak, President of Business By Phone.

A Tickler File For Sales And Networking

If you are involved in sales, fundraising or just an active networker, you have probably tried a variety of tools to manage your contact list and remind yourself to stay in touch with all of the prospects and people you meet. This tickler file is designed to be an inexpensive, effective, tool that can be used by salespeople in a variety of different types of organizations. This tickler file uses inexpensive index cards and a simple file box. You will need the following it...