Yearly Archives: 2010

The 7 Basic Rules Of Proper Presentation Design

Abstract: This article elucidates the rules of presentation visual design that, if heeded, will almost always assure that your audiences will be able to follow your ideas every step of the way. Of course, you must keep in mind that visual design is only one-third of the package required for a successful presentation, the other two being content and delivery. Like a fine dining experience that requires equal parts food, service and atmosphere to really work, the visual design ...

Formula For YOUR Success!

Advertise, advertise, advertise you just have to get the word out. Even the big names put their logos and advertising out there for millions of dollars. You can start with the free ones and after making money move on and put your money out for paid advertising. Keep your records so you know what you are spending and what is bringing the people to your site.

Due Diligence – I don’t need it (ya right)

You have been searching for various businesses for sale and now you have found that perfect business to buy. The business is represented by a reputable broker. You are comfortable with the terms, and now you wish to enter into contract and proceed with the due diligence phase. Everything you have been told by the seller and broker sounds good and feels right. So what’s next? How deep do you need to dig?

Work Your Network

Are you finding that your networking efforts are wearing you out - and your network does not seem to be growing? Here are the myths that must be disspelled so that you can spend quality time - not quantity time - on building your professional network.

Swarm Your Market

One thing is for sure, termites will be around forever. Here in the south especially they are quite heinous. I just spent an hour killing a family as they came out of the ground and began raining down on my house. How do I spell satisfaction in this example? B-U-G-S-P-R-A-Y! So what can termites teach us about business? Proliferation.

The 7 Keys To Asking Clients The Right Questions

The secret to successful communication in business and in everyday life is asking the right questions. Understanding the value of effective questioning is probably the single most dominant factor in achieving business success. The way to learn about what people need is to ask a question and then listen carefully to the answer. What do Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, and Barbara Walters all have in common? They are all great interviewers. They have the uncanny ability to make pe...The secret to successful communication in business and in everyday life is asking the right questions. Understanding the value of effective questioning is probably the single most dominant factor in achieving business success. The way to learn about what people need is to ask a question and then listen carefully to the answer. What do Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, and Barbara Walters all have in common? They are all great interviewers. They have the uncanny ability to make pe...

Advantages Offered by Reliable Sales Recruitment Services

There are various online Sales Recruitment Services that can help business owners to quickly fill the job vacancies inside their companies. Considering the fact that the popularity, renown and credibility of a business are reflected by the professionalism and the value of its employees, a solid, well-trained business team can easily separate a company from the rest, making the difference when it matters the most.