Yearly Archives: 2010

Construction Ohio – Myths about the Ohio Construction Industry

There always this typical situation of myths and facts regarding jobs and places which are not that well known. Interestingly, it might happen that the real growth in a region is a result of the myths generated around the same! Though the same cannot be said about Ohio, there are myths that have to be quashed to help the state become an attractive investment option.

Employment Search – 7 Steps to Finding a Job Opportunity

People around the world are trying to cash-in on the new arena of job availability – the internet. The internet is currently the hottest place to find jobs easily; the shut shops of old-fashioned employment exchanges bear a testimonial to this. However with everybody using the internet as a common ground, things are expected to become competitive even further. Whatever be the case, the internet is sure to reign even in the future when it comes to finding jobs.

Advertising Manager – Top 5 Tips to Guarantee a Promotion in Advertising

All over the world people have been trying to learn the ABCs of advertising. Much to the dismay of everyone the methods keep on changing and therefore it has to be a new strategy every time! Thankfully, the concepts never change – it is to make people interested in your product, by hook or crook! Advertising managers are those people who have risen from being just another creative guy at the desk to managing professionals who can make a whole bunch of creative geeks work under them!