Monthly Archives: July 2011

University Jobs – Top 10 Skills Needed to Work at a University

Getting university jobs or in fact, any kind of job today is not an easy task. The competition in every field is so high that you have to be especially equipped in every area! You really have to have an enviable set of skills to be able to teach. Nowadays teaching is pretty hard, let me tell you, my friend. But here are some tips to help you out!

Education Career – 7 Steps to Success in Education

A career in education is what many people are pursuing of late because of the multiple benefits that come with the job. To be successful in education, one requires certain innate qualities. People who possess these have a natural knack for teaching and a special bond with students that enrich their life and make their work so much more than just a job. a good teacher is one who not only teaches, but one who inspires and is able to affect the minds and lives of the students.

Jobs in Marketing – Q & A About Government Marketing Jobs

Marketing jobs are suddenly generating a lot of interest and curiosity. Management graduates now want to get into marketing jobs as opposed to finance jobs because of the creative freedom that the job would give them, the expanding market, and the tremendous growth opportunities. Marketing jobs are no longer the door-to-door salesmen jobs that they used to be.

Marketing Careers – How to Get Into International Marketing

As mankind is progressing, you must have noticed a certain rise in the old saying that 'it's a small world'. Well the world is getting smaller by the day and boundaries are getting rubbed out as you speak. In such a situation everything is global and the term globalization has acquired a new significance. Marketing jobs are such that they require integration of the entire company's deals and doings. With most companies becoming international, it is most likely that your job in marketing is going places too.

Marketing Manager Jobs – 7 Steps to Becoming a Marketing Director

Marketing jobs are much in demand as of now because of the sheer amount of growth opportunities offered by these jobs. The marketing segment is an important one, no matter what the company is. This is because it is the marketing of a product or service that decides whether it is going to be a success in the consumer market. The marketing branch of a company is the link between the manufacturers and the target group. The job of marketing executives is to present the product in such a way so that the best qualities of that item are highlighted to make it appealing to customers.

Advertising Marketing Jobs – Common Myths About Advertising Marketing Internships

There was a time when customers were not offered much variety and had to buy whatever products were offered to them in the market. Now with the huge gamut of products and services and companies all competing with each other, the customer is spoilt for choice. This is where the importance of marketing comes in.