Yearly Archives: 2011

Beat The Competition: Find Jobs in NYC

Many people out there think that finding jobs in NYC is near impossible. There is reason to be a little worried since there are many people who are currently living in the city looking for work and there are many more people who want to relocate to New York city should they be able to find themselves some NYC work. Of course, this does not mean that finding actual legit employment openings in New York City is impossible. What is does mean is that you are simply going to have to step up your game a little. You have to toughen up and make sure that you are doing everything you can to improve your chances of being the one person who doesn't have any trouble at all finding New York jobs.

More Legal Jobs that Contribute to the Society

Those that finally go through the difficulties that many people experience in legal education quickly realize how much it was worth the effort since there are so many jobs that these people can take. Consider the law degree as a foundation where it needs to be paired up with other skills that other careers utilize. Basically, choosing from the large pool of legal jobs depends on the other skills that you specialize in. Knowing what legal job is best for you will make it a lot easier once you need to search for firms that offer the job. No matter which path you take, any legal or law jobs will contribute to the society one way or another.

Setting Goals is Their Attainment

Every year in January, I do all sorts of goal setting. I set goals for what I am going to do over the next year. I do this in a lot of ways, but sometimes I dig out old tapes and CD programs I have accumulated throughout the years and listen to them to get fired up. I have been setting goals since the first of January and it is unlikely I’ll be done before the end of January, and these goals are just covering the year 2010. I figure I am going to spend at least 10% of 2010 setting goals. The thing about in-depth goal setting is that it really works. I hate to be mysterious, but there is a level of understanding about goals that transcends what we believe is possible. Time and again I have accomplished things that formerly seemed impossible to me. This happened because I wrote the goals down. I have set goals for numerous things and written them down and these things have then proceeded to happen. Sometimes they did not happen at the exact time I had hoped they would, but they eventually did.