Yearly Archives: 2014

What Marketing Can Do For You

Over the years, I've had dealings with some business owners who have a rather skewed perception of marketing. They think you throw a few ads out there, get a couple of press releases printed and voila! You’re a big success. Oh, if it only were that easy. (Although if it were, I probably wouldn’t have a job.) So realistically, what marketing can do for you? Read on.

Best Small Business Idea — Get Focused And Get Going

I used to give a talk titled, “10 Ways to Overcome Overwhelm in Business and In Life”. It was an excellent resource for getting into action and taking charge of your business. If you’d like a copy, just email me and I’ll send it to you. After I’d given this talk for awhile, I realized that getting out of overwhelm was even simpler. You don’t need 10 ideas. That’s overwhelming in itself. You just need one essential key. If you can master this one key, you can pretty much get w...