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What Type of Person Belongs in The Reverse Funnel System

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The Reverse Funnel System (RFS) was designed by expert Internet marketers for Internet marketers.  If you want the opportunity to make your internet marketing position a full time job and are motivated enough to put in the work to do it, then RFS is for you.

RFS, an automated sales process that helps close people for you into your business so you don’t have too, is designed for those people in love with the internet marketing aspect of the MLM or direct sales industry.   If you like making videos, flooding forums with your controversial marketing ideas, developing personalities to attract different niches in the networking community arena but maybe don’t do so well cold calling people, house hunting and family bashing, then RFS is for you.

Granted you will still have to talk on the telephone, this will be reduced fifty fold.  Your e-mail communication will probably increase as you push for further automation and greater web based absorption of the workload.   People who want to make a lot of money but do it in an unconventional way are perfect candidates to take advantage of RFS.

RFS puts money in people’s pockets.  You push the traffic into RFS.  If you think you are motivated enough to close three to four sales a week the system would have probably closed three to four for you as well and without too much but some quality time spent driving traffic you can be making eight to ten thousand dollars a week.

RFS combines professional copywriting with a crafted paid survey designed to make you money and help you craft a winning team.   The type of person who can take the most advantage of the Reverse Funnel System is a team leader.  With a compensation plan that will be paying you thousand dollar commissions off of your down line’s sales, if you can’t make sure your team is duplicating what you have produced through training seminars, providing content and opportunities, or by bringing them into a team that has these offerings, you will be losing tens of thousands of dollars a month.

So think about your needs and desires as you consider your next business move.  Look at your strengths and weaknesses to determine if you are ready for RFS.  Some people sell cars while others sell cell phones.  Both think their position works best for them and it probably does, however the car salesman will always have the potential to make more than the cell phone salesman with the much higher commissions.

What Type of Person Belongs in The Reverse Funnel System by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes