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How to Follow Up Your Job Interview?

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You got through your job interview.

You think you did all right.

The interviewer said, ”We’ll let you know”.

And now you are home asking yourself, ”What else can I do to increase my chances”.

The Thank You Letter
Once you get home you should write a thank you letter to the person who interviewed you. Not only is it polite, but in many cases the interviewer expects it. They do not expect it because they think they should be thanked for doing their job. They expect it because it gives them more information about you.

Write the letter as soon as you get home, while the interview is still fresh in your mind. Don’t wait a week before you mail it. Mail it as soon as possible. Ideally, you should mail the thank you note within 24 hours of the interview.

The letter can be typed or handwritten. Today the ”thank you e-mail” is also accepted. Whatever form your thank you letter takes, be sure there is a personal touch to it. Avoid ”one-size-fits-all” thank you notes.

  • The Parts of a Thank You Note
  • Thank the interviewer for seeing you
  • Mention how interested you are in the job
  • Indicate why you are the right candidate for the job

If there is anything you forgot to mention during the interview, this is the time to do so
End by thanking the interviewer again for being considered for the position

The thank you letter will not take up much of your time, but it may make the difference between getting the job or not. Why? Because it shows you care.

How to Follow Up Your Job Interview? by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes