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So you want to work at home

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Everybody wand’s to work at home. I’d like to stay at home to, but with six kids and two dogs forget it. One day I decided to look how to get a few extra bucks working online. I had never did it before and seen a lot of people doing it so I decided to give it a try.
Ok now what to try, ebay? I signed up and sold everything in the house until my wife stopped me because we needed the couch and TV. Ebay is a great site and I made some good money until I ran out of things to sell. Then I looked at drop shipping; WOW you could find anything in the world to drop ship. The only problem was I had no idea how much inventory they had for a certain item. I don’t think they did either. Don’t get me wrong drop shipping is a great thing if you can find the right one.

Oh look at this a free site fully stocked with everything on the planet, I know you’ve seen them don’t they look pretty? That’s about it.
With six kids who has a lot of money to invest? Not me. I heard of Clickbank, Commission Junction, and Google absence. Look people are making money with these sites, but how. CB and CJ are both great sites and have a lot to offer. Just pick a program and promote the heck out of it. Again promote equals money. Adsence, great I need a website, now what? Ok back to the search engines
What’s this? This site look’s pretty good. It has ebay stuff, it has adsence, it has Clickbank items, and it has Commission Junction. Hmmm!   Click here

All right I spent the money, my wife stopped talking to me amongst other things but this was something I thought would work.
I customized the page the way I needed it and started to promote. Since I spent the money I had to go the free route. I placed free ads everywhere I could and waited to see what happens. I must tell you it took a little while but I started to make some money, it wasn’t earth shattering but I made my investment back and a little more.

All I can tell you is go with what you feel and make it happen.
If you need help here is where I found mine Click here this is one of the best information sites I found.

Have a great day
Al Bengough

So you want to work at home by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes