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Be the King of Wishful Thinking: Survive the Recession

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Be positive at any cost. The world is in turmoil, there is no denying that, but negative feelings are not going to help, nor allowing yourself to wallow in depression. The only thing constant about the world is change, this recession is also going to change, and you too, know that for a certainty. However, rather than focusing on the present all the time, sometimes a bit of day dreaming can do wonders for the spirit. Thinking of what you can do, and will do, once the recession passes can make your life a bit better today. And coming to that, it is high time you began to think what you can do, and will do, after the recession in more concrete terms.

This involves setting both short-term as well as long-term goals aligned with your career. It also needs that you take the effort to visualize your career goals and create a path of progress that takes you slowly and inexorably towards achievement. The recession is just a nightmare that will pass, but if you stop breathing, then there will be no tomorrow. So, the least you can do for yourself, and for those who pin their hopes on you, is to shrug off negativity and look forward to the days that are to come. Be the king of wishful thinking, and plan to realize those wishes.

Planning to realize your wishes needs to take shape and that involves what you are doing today. Find a job, which is more aligned with your ultimate career goals, if the one you are in is just a job to tide over the recession. Work harder and try to excel, if your present job is aligned with your long-term career goals. If your present job is not aligned with your long term career goals, then try to squeeze out time after office hours to engage in social networking, activities, and learning that will make you more prepared for your desired career. If you don’t have a job and on a protracted job search, then try to change your approach to the job search, get hold of anything that gives you a bit of respite and the time for acquiring new skills and contacts.

Whatever, be the situation, don’t lose a minute of your time within the recession. An economic recession is a time when most of the best runners are under handicaps, and if you are innovative enough you can find ways to stay in the course and outrun others. To do that you need to think and think hard. Never let the depressive situation stop your positive thoughts and imagination, for that is all you have, and it is your wishes and thoughts that make you truly special.

You can do it. Take a look around, there are jobs out there, you only need to connect with the one that is for you. Learn to change your old priorities in searching for jobs, widen your horizons, be ready to even accept postings in foreign countries, you will only keep adding to your wealth of experience and nothing will be lost. There is no reason to change your long-term goals; you only need to change short-term strategy to survive the recession.

This article was originally published in EmploymentCrossing. EmploymentCrossing is a leading job reporting and research institution, consolidating jobs leads from all possible sources in the world. For more such informative articles, please visit EmploymentCrossing.
Be the King of Wishful Thinking: Survive the Recession by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes