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Droga5 wins Top Honors For Its Help Memories ‘Bandages’ Campaign

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The celebrated Cannes Grand Prix for Good was bagged by Droga5 New York for its Help Memories ‘Bandages’ Campaign. It was justified and warranted recognition for helping to develop a unique pharma product, an adhesive bandage that could help save lives. The product was developed for the pharma boutique, Help Remedies.

It is estimated that more than 650,000 people are detected with leukaemia and lymphoma each year. For most of them, the only remedy is a marrow transplant. But more often than not, they fail to find a match. Not because there aren’t enough people with similar blood groups, but because they have not registered on the Marrow Donor Registry. The reasons are two-fold – the registration method is complicated and secondly the people lack awareness of the seriousness of the matter.

Droga5 creative with support from Help Remedies, decided to address these two issue and developed package donor kits, with its adhesive bandage kits. The product has a rather long name, but the advantage is that it is self-explanatory. It’s called,” “Help I’ve cut myself & I want to save a life.”

Through this product the convoluted process of registration became ridiculously easy. When people reach out for the bandage, it can be assumed with a high degree of certainty that they are already bleeding; they wouldn’t need the bandage otherwise.

All that is needed to be done is to put a drop or two of your blood on a cotton swab; follow the instructions in the donor kit, fill in your name, address and email and mail it to the respective address.

The donor kit has a poignant message, “Sorry that you cut yourself, but hopefully, something good will come out of it.” Another list details, how to send the blood sample. All you have to do is simply swab a cotton tip and mail it off to DKMS, the world’s largest bone marrow center.

For Douglas, it was something that affected him very closely. His identical twin brother’s life was saved when he received a bone-marrow transplant for his leukemia. However, thousands are not as fortunate. Through this Douglas hopes that 10,000 less people will succumb to the dreaded disease.

“People hear ‘marrow’ and think they’re going to have to go through torture to sign up on the registry,” says Douglas. “We’re making an active behavior more passive. Hopefully, that’s the thing that will turn the tides.”

More than 50 million people have seen the “Help, I want to save lives” campaign. The bandage sales have increased by a phenomenal 1,900 percent.  More than the sales, what is more important is that the number of marrow donor registrations has trebled.

Droga5 wins Top Honors For Its Help Memories ‘Bandages’ Campaign by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes