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Making Yourself More Marketable to Employers

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Well you can prove yourself useful by upgrading your skills. Probably learn something new. That will reflect in your resume as a new acquired skill. Of course you need to learn something useful from your field. The employers will also see that you are a dedicated worker as you keep upgrading your skills.

Then you need to be proactive as it is one of the most important things that an employer seeks in an employee. Making yourself more marketable to employers is not that easy a thing. But again it is no rocket science that you cannot do.

You need to be intelligently answering questions especially during an interview. You should be dressed well but if that should be supported by your knowledge and expertise in your field. You can give them new inputs on things like internet marketing which is the latest way of marketing. For that you need to be thorough with the subject.

If your area is sales marketing or marketing jobs then all the more you have to be adept in your work. Then you will be good at reading market trends. You can do the same with your job as well. In other words you can predict the job market and follow the current trends!

Another thing that comes handy with this is that you need to have clarity of thoughts. Your ideas should be coherent and should make you like you are serious with your line of business. You should be updated and must have information if possible in advance of others. Only then can you answer the question ”give us a good reason why should we hire you?”

The most important thing is that don’t ask about the salary at once. Have patience and a genuine employer will bring up the topic in sometime. You need to trust them and this show them that you are not here for the money only. Well to tell you the truth treat this subject with utmost care.

Be relaxed and you can win big games. Keep your cool and you can win half the battle. Talk sense and develop a pleasant personality. This will add to your charm and you can walk away with that job in no time. So making yourself more marketable to employers is all about planning.

Making Yourself More Marketable to Employers by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes