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How To Get A Job By Having A Flawless Interview

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This is the most important thing to do while going for an interview. There is a thin difference between being there on time and being there in time. Someone being in time for an interview means being there before time whereas being on time means being there exactly at the time asked for. It is always a better idea to be there in time. If you are late, just think about the impression that you are giving to your hiring manager.

You being late on the interview day means two things…either you are not bothered about the job or you are not responsible enough to join the company! In order to avoid these accusations be early. Moreover longer the face time is the more are the chances for you being able to express yourself to the fullest. The next important thing to do is to know the company well.

Surf the net and find out about the company, about its recent developments, about its CEO and other details. Do not be dumb stricken when asked about the company you have applied to work for. Remember it is your moral obligation to know about the place of work and be quick and prompt with the details. It is not enough to know about the company, make the interviewer know that you know about it and you are not that easy to deal with.

Then comes the rule of listen and don’t interrupt. I might seem self contradictory but it is always a better to let the interviewer speak first. Lend him an ear; let him finish what he wants to speak. Take sometime, think, frame your answer and then speak. Do not hurry because in most cases, people who hurry speak crap! But in the process if you feel that the conversation is coming to a standstill then it is your responsibility to keep it going. In that case show off your research.

Carry copies of your resume. The person interviewing you is a busy person and might not carry your resume to the interview board. So carry one. Anyways, it is better for you if he goes through the resume for a second time and gets the facts about you in his head. Hold up a good personality as it counts a lot, and last but not the least follow up. If the interviewer gives his card then make use of it. Thank him for taking the time out for you and subtly ask for the job.

How To Get A Job By Having A Flawless Interview by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes