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Ways to Assess Employee Competencies

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Now first of all you need to decide on a rating scale which you are going to choose. You can either use a universal rating scale or you can decide on a rating scale yourself. Sometimes because of circumstances you will have to use different rating scales. You should have different levels of performances.

Now you can even make a different spreadsheet for every single job which you assess. You should put the name of the employee or the job as the title of the spreadsheet. You also have to write all of the competencies which are necessary for the job on the left hand axis in a vertical way. These include the technical skills, the management skills, social and personal skills and so on. In order to assess your employees you need to make sure that you judge them on every skill.
Now you can take a separate column and there you write the name of the employee. This is going to go through the vertical axis which is on the top. Now when it comes to competency you need to make sure that you evaluate your employees on a scale which is from one to five.

One is being just acceptable, two will stand for simply average, then tree is for passable, four is going to be if the employee does pleasing work and for exemplary it is five. Then you need to find out about the employees and interact with them, after that you will be able to rank them. You will have to give the ranks based on whatever they have accomplished in the past and what their habits have been in the past.

Now on the bottom of the page you can even make notes. This is a good way to assess employee competencies. You can write down things which you have noticed from the work habits or the knowledge of the employees.

You can even write down if the employee has had any achievements or any awards or has gotten special recognition and so on. Finally you need to find the total of the scores and make an average out of it. Then you also need to find out what the lowest score which can be accepted is. After this you can meet up with the employees and then discuss their scores.

Ways to Assess Employee Competencies by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes