Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Firing Your Boss: Starting Your Own Internet Business From Home

Starting a Internet business from home could be a very profitable venture and a great way to earn extra money on the side from your regular job or a full time income. Many people today are tired of living pay check to pay check and are looking for alternative ways to earn a living and supplement their income. These are many of the positive things you should know if you are looking to startup your own Internet business from home.

Ten Tips To Jump Start Your Business Plan

1) Rome Wasn't Planned, Funded, and Built in One Day The process of putting together a coherent business plan will probably take longer that you estimate (an incoherent business plan on the other hand can take as little as 20 minutes). Along the way you will probably stop and say, "you know, we haven't really thought our strategies out very well, have we?" or "we don't really know our competition as well as we thought we did," and you will take the time to hone your strate...

Study Proves That Headline Length Can Impact Profitability!

Recently, I monitored an interesting discussion in one of the forums about the length of headlines on sales pages. Some of the posters were in favor of longer headlines because they communicated more information and had a better chance of catching the interest of the prospect. Other posters claimed that some headlines were so long that they were confusing. Some even claimed that they would take away your breath if you attempted to read them aloud. One poster thought that very...