Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Does Your Small Business Need A Web Site? (Part 1)

You are a small business owner. You use the internet both in your business and personally. Obviously you know there are many, many web sites out there. More then likely, you've even made purchases through someone else's web site. Perhaps it is apparent that you could be doing the same thing with your own business. Certainly, extra e-commerce sales could only help your bottom line. But does your business really need a web site? In deciding that, consider what a web site rea...

Top Networking Marketing Opportunities – Is There Such A Thing?

Top networking marketing opportunities, also known as multi-level marketing opportunities, run rampant on today’s Internet. You’ve no doubt received some kind of solicitous e-mail or seen some kind of advertisement in the margins of a web site you’ve visited that talks about amazingly easy ways to earn thousands of dollars with a simple home based business.

Don’t Go Cheap When Installing New Business Phones

I recently replaced my business phone system to accommodate an increase in the volume of calls I was receiving. I own a car rental franchise and needed to have new lines and new phones installed to go along with the new customer service representative I needed to hire. By taking care of my customers and keeping my vehicles clean and available, I was able to build my business and force the closure of one of my two nearby competitors.