Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Fuel Freedom International Business Plan – You can Earn in thousands per week

The demand for gas is soaring and so are the prices. Oil prices have already reached their record highs - $74 a barrel. No wonder that Gas savers are in great demand and have the market booming with all possible categories and types of gas mileage savers. There is flourishing market available for fuel additives, alternative gas fuels, high mileage vehicles and hybrid cars; every effort is going on in the market to beat the price crunch.

The “Greed Bug” vs. Reliability In Business

Have you ever joined a company or some kind of money-making opportunity thinking that, it was the best thing you’d seen since sliced bread? Then you go to work, spend money on advertising, or telling your friends about this wonderful deal. Maybe you even stayed with this opportunity long enough to make a small bonus check....then, wham! All of a sudden this golden opportunity is gone...completely fizzled...washed down the drain. What happened? You probably got ...

Targeting Niche Markets

Many products available on the market are geared towards a specific group of consumers. They are created and advertised with this group of individuals in mind and if effective they should cater to the needs or wants of this group. Since in many cases the intended market has specific needs it is important that advertising clearly showcases these needs for the targeted demographic to identify. As with introducing any new product or invention it is vitally important that your cr...

How to Squeeze More Profit Out of Your Customers!

The biggest mistake businesses make is to focus all their marketing effort and budget on getting new customers. Research has shown that it costs up to 6 times more to get a new customer than to retain or sell to an existing one. And this is the key. Concentrate on selling more to your existing clients. We explore the steps you can take to tease more profit from your client base.

The “Other” New Year’s Resolution

Since this is my first column of 2004, I thought we'd spend a few minutes talking about those well-intentioned, though seldom kept promises we call New Year's Resolutions. In addition to "This year I will lose weight!" and "This year I will stop smoking!" and the ever popular "This year I will stop watching reality TV!" one of the more common resolutions made by many folks this time of year is "This year I will start my own business!" I call it "The American Dream Res...

Advocate Respectfully

This is one of a series of brief articles on holding difficult conversations. In earlier issues of Ki Moments, I suggested ways to open communications that create mutual respect; we talked about the importance of knowing your purpose for the conversation; and we added Inquiry and Curiosity to our conversational toolbox. Here the topic is Advocacy.