Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Improve Retail Sales Performance With These Sales Coaching Tips

Your POS system generates key statistics that tell you about your Retail sales performance. These key statistics are: Average sale, Transactions per hour, Items per sale, Conversion rate, Sales per hour. But did you know that tracking these statistics on an individual Salesperson basis can lead you to focused clues about improving individual performance. Most POS systems don’t enable you to track individual sales performance or generate individual KPIs (key performance in...

The Basics Of Business Incorporation

If you are a business owner, even if it is a small business, you want to be successful. You are undoubtedly aware of the work it takes to make a business profitable. You might also be aware of the different tax penalties and other ways that the government makes it difficult for a small, young business to make it. You should consider business incorporation. It is not as complicated as you might think it is, in fact, it is quite easy to incorporate your business. By doing it, y...

All About Fire Safes

Safes provide an extra level of protection from theft or damage for important documents, computer data and other valued items for home and business owners. Fire safes are fire-resistant rather than fireproof, as they eventually succumb to the flames. Unless your home or business is far away from the nearest fire station and the fire is abnormally hot, your safe should have no problem withstanding the flames. Made of hollow sheet metal that is filled with fire-resistant insulation, fire safes are an extremely effective means of protecting your valued items.

The 3 Monumental Mistakes You’re Making With Resale Rights And The Resources To Avoid Them

Monumental Mistake #1: Hugely Competitive Niche. Here’s what happens. You’re learning from the so called guru’s about internet marketing and so naturally you choose to follow what they’re doing, which is to sell to the internet marketing market. The problem with this is first of all, it’s a highly competitive market to start off your first few ventures with. It is possible to make money but you’re going up against all the top guns in marketing. Guys who have been in t...

The Basics Of Franchising A Business

A study of the most successful businesses in town will show that these are franchised businesses. It means the business has been market tested, developed and handed to the owners or franchise holders in a silver platter. Franchising is a business concept and strategy that has been practiced by basically all the successful businessmen in the world. What separates these businessmen from the ordinary mortals is the way they can recognize a product that will be a hit with the ...