Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

The Best Time For Marketing…

The best time for marketing is when they aren’t buying. Be realistic. If you aren’t selling the hottest new fashion or gizmo for holiday gift-giving, it’s hard to get anyone to think about buying your product or service from Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Year’s. That’s a six week lean selling stretch for lots of sales professionals. When you are trying to hit your quarterly and year-end numbers that lean stretch can be tough to swallow. No leader likes to see...

Head-set on Embarrassing Myself

My job is not stressful, I would say, just demanding. I answer the phone for a brokerage house on Wall Street. I enjoy my job, but I was having a problem keeping up with the volume of calls that come across my desk everyday. My supervisor noticed that I was having problems and suggested that they could provide me with a headset, if I thought it might help. I figured it would be worth a shot, so I asked for one.

Apply For A Credit Card Merchant Account Online

Who should apply for a credit card merchant account online? Why, you should, of course, if you want to grow your business and maximize sales volume! In this day and age, more and more business functions are moving into cyberspace, which means that business owners must be ready to travel to this relatively unknown domain if they want to maintain strong customer ties and stay a step or two ahead of the competition. Don’t worry if you’re not Web savvy; most online processes that...

Good News! There Are Legitimate Home based Business Opportunities

There are many ways to make money at home in a legitimate home based business opportunity. The reason why you have an interest in working from home will determine which path you may want to follow. Some corporate business have arrangements where they encourage employees to work from home while others can set you up as an independent contractor.